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Sum, Sum, Summer Time - Making Your Garden Grow and Other Home Owner Tips

May 10, 2012

April showers bring May flowers and your spring garden is already well into its season, but what about the summer? How do you keep your garden looking good year round? And how do you do it the most economically and eco friendly? Here are a few easy tips that we've put together to help you decide just how far you want to take your green thumb, and how green you dare to go. Water conservation - No matter whether the weatherman is predicting a little or a lot of rain this summer, a garden is always going to need some watering to keep it fresh and lively. What you plant will determine just how much you need to add to your water bill this summer. By researching local indigenous plants that are drought tolerant and recommended for your particular zone, you will put yourself on a better path to success and conserve on water at the same time. Mary Mary, how does your garden grow? Think about chemical fertilizers as a thing of the past, and dip your toe into composting. Composting adds nutrients to your soil slowly and helps improve the capacity of water that is held in the soil overtime. Composting not up your alley? You can also check out garden centers for mycorrhizae - small microorganisms that essentially work like compost enriching the soil and allowing plants to take up more water and vital nutrients. Mulch has properties that serve double duty in your garden - Mulch is a great way to keep moisture in the soil longer, as well as reduce the factor of weeds going to seed in your garden. About 6 inches of mulch acts as a moisture barrier and helps retain natural moisture such as rain fall, and morning dew to help reduce the need to water while at the same time it's shading properties, keep weeds from taking root or prevents weed seeds from finding the fertile soil they are seeking.  Be a weed warrior - Pull the weeds before they seed. Try to avoid costly and caustic chemicals, and take advantage of post rainfalls to de-weed your gardens and pathways. After a rain, the roots are softer and can be pulled more easily and much further down into the ground. Don't prune between mid-April and Mid-July -Dutch Elm and Oak Wilt are two tree destructive diseases that are spread when insects that feed on sap move from tree to tree. By trimming branches you are inviting sap to flow and providing the perfect buffet for these little buggers. Just these few quick and easy tips will help brighten up your summer garden, keep your water bills in check and keep your plants healthy and happy through the season. Good luck and keep that green thumb growing.