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Watch the Q & A with our Design Studio Team

April 26, 2023

If you didn't have a chance to join us on Facebook Live for the Q & A from the Design Studio, don't worry! We've got you covered. In this video, Erin chats with the talented designers on our Ideal Design Studio team, Melody and Rachel, and discusses everything that homebuyers and customers can expect at the Design Studio.

One of the main differences between our pre-designed homes and custom-built homes is the level of customization. Pre-designed homes have a set design and aesthetic and are completely designed by our team of professionals at the Design Studio. Custom building allows homebuyers to have more control over the selection process. During the selection process, homebuyers will get to work with a team of expert design consultants who will help guide them through the entire process. Melody and Rachel dive into the design selection process and share some of their favorite newer products that homebuyers can choose from.

One of the biggest concerns among homebuyers is the cost of a new home. Melody and Rachel acknowledge that building a new home can be a significant investment but offer insights into how they help mitigate each customer's budget when it comes to making selections at the Design Studio. Homebuyers can be assured that at the end of the selection process, they will know what the investment cost will be for their new home. 

Overall, the design studio experience is an essential part of creating your dream home. Melody and Rachel share their expertise and knowledge and show just how fun and enjoyable the process can be. Plus, the end result is a beautifully designed home that fits your unique style and needs.

Watch the video and if you have any questions, reach out to our team or schedule a tour at the IDEAL Design Studio!